Evil thrives because of bleeding hearts.
Bleeding evil hearts is justice.
Thunder ===}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Thunder Rider
JoinedPosts by Thunder Rider
It's cases like this that make me support the death penalty...
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.cnn.com/2004/law/12/20/missouri.fetus/index.html woman accused of stealing baby appears in court
lisa montgomery charged with kidnapping resulting in death
kansas city, kansas (cnn) -- lisa montgomery, accused of strangling a 23-year-old missouri woman and cutting the fetus out of her womb, sat motionless monday as a judge read the charge against her in u.s. district court.
Thunder Rider
It's cases like this that make me support the death penalty...
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.cnn.com/2004/law/12/20/missouri.fetus/index.html woman accused of stealing baby appears in court
lisa montgomery charged with kidnapping resulting in death
kansas city, kansas (cnn) -- lisa montgomery, accused of strangling a 23-year-old missouri woman and cutting the fetus out of her womb, sat motionless monday as a judge read the charge against her in u.s. district court.
Thunder Rider
I wonder if anyone can come up with a good reason to spare her life.
I can't.
Thunder ===}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
Mario Utopian Reformist isn't responding to phone calls. Pls help find him.
by hubert indoes anyone here know how i can find mario?
he is not responding to my phone calls.
the last i heard from him was wednesday night, around 6 p.m. or so, dec.22, 04. .
Thunder Rider
H: Sorry left a message on the other thread. I just called the second cell phone number and spoke to someone that is taking messages for him. PM me
Pregnant woman murdered and baby stolen
by Heatmiser inhttp://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,141836,00.html
i can't understand the mindset of someone that would do this.
Thunder Rider
Ya Obi a lil close to home huh
I love this place
by Jebediah Thunder inopen minds, free minds, free speech, free discussion of the latest crap from the tower (like the "new light" on "this generation").
anyway, i plan on reading a lot of your posts and rejoicing with you that you've begun to see things as they are.. .
i found this really mind blowing essay called jehovah unmasked.
Thunder Rider
Interesting read. You might want to check out The Antichrist by Nietzsche.
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
Hey SheilaM!!!!
by Valis in.
um....i was wondering.... do you have a good recipe for chocolate cake?
Thunder Rider
I want some cake!
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
Hey SheilaM!!!!
by Valis in.
um....i was wondering.... do you have a good recipe for chocolate cake?
Thunder Rider
Checks in the mail bub!
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
Anyone been in an accident before ?
by Xandria in.
if so what was your experience with settlement of medical ?.
Thunder Rider
I was hit by a drunk driver 6 years ago. The accident totaled my truck and ruptured three discs in my back. Get a good lawyer right away and get the bills to the insurance company immediately. My lawyer hesitated and the drunk's insurance went belly up on us. We were left with nothing but a bad back and a pile of bills.
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
Scot Peterson
by Valis in.
gets the death penalty...and i think he should go away..even if he didn't want the baby or to be with her, he could of left and beent he one to disappear, but no i think he's just greedy, callous, and not remoursefull... sincerely,.
district overbeer
Thunder Rider
Mercy should be extended to those deserving of it.
Punishment should fit the crime.
Dead murderers never kill again.
Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
are we having a christmas card exchange this year
by orbison11 in.
only about 12 weeks till xmas, are we having a christmas card exchange?.
i couldn't take part last year but i can this year.. thanks,,,,orbi
Thunder Rider
Please send me your address and SheilaM and I would love to send Christmas cards, we have a lot of addresses from last year
Thank you Mouthy for your card